Sanitation & Water Challenges during a grid down situation
Sanitation & Water Challenges during a grid down situation
90 min. course
Off-grid disposal of human waste. When the grid goes down it doesn't take long for serious sanitation problems to erupt. Water is a precious commodity? How to build a compositing toilet. How to arrange free home delivery of all the water you can catch.
In-person or Online, Minimum Class Size: 2, Location, Date, Time: Contact Chris Herzog
In 1998, Auckland suffered a 5-week long power outage that halted water supplies, causing a large part of the city's apartment dwellers and office workers to lose the ability to flush. Since the average person did not know how to properly deal with human waste, after ONLY three days the resulting lack of wastewater services quickly escalated into a sanitation nightmare.
When people were actually confronted with such a situation, they "went" wherever they could - they filled the toilet, then the toilet tank, the tub, the shower, the sink - when the bathrooms became uninhabitable, they "went" in corners, boxes, bags, closets...most however left by the time they were using the tub.
Guess how long that took? THREE DAYS!