Reprinted from the GATEWAY PUNDIT - The 2024 Election Fix Is In – Only We Can Stop It

By Jim Hoft Jul. 4, 2024

The 2024 Election Fix Is In – Only YOU Can Stop It!

Early on the 4th of July I received this message from John L Kachelman, Jr., who has provided exceptional stories over the past few years about the rise of communism and what is going on in America today:

Thanks Joe! Sadly the courageous citizens that brought us independence from governmental tyranny have vanished into the gulags of tyranny. The independence gained by bold valor and firm resolve has been surrendered by a citizenry that glutted on selfishness and sold its soul for governmental conveniences. The courageous voices of freedom have been intimidated, hushed or imprisoned and hardly a squeak of objection has arisen as more and more are persecuted. And the politicians elected to uphold the Constitution and guard the citizen’s inalienable rights ignore or offer compromises that further erode the freedom that our “Independence Day” celebrates!

Unfortunately, Kachelman, Jr. is right. It is only the American citizen and divine intervention that can save this country.

For decades I traveled the US and the world leading and performing audits for a Fortune 500 Company. I was involved with process, system, data, client, compliance, fraud and all types of audits. I led audits in the US, Canada, the UK, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Australia, India, and many other countries. I presented to executives, audit committees, risk committees and boards in numerous countries and was stationed in Hong Kong for nearly a decade.

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I wrote about the many oddities, errors, fraudulent acts, and cover-ups in the 2020 Election. I put together three books describing the reasons why the 2020 Election NEVER should have been certified which supported the claim that the 2020 Election was stolen.

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But rather than gathering experts in auditing, process controls, IT, and systems controls to unwind the 2020 Election and address the many gaping holes that led to fraudulent results, sadly, the work to date from those who should care about free and fair elections is almost non-existent.


The Democrat Party has gone full communist. If fraudulent elections allow them to win, then keep on with the status quo. State and local election representatives aligned with the Democrat party act more like tyrant communists than Americans as they push the elimination of election integrity across the country and in states like Hawaii.

In states like California, election fraud is now the norm and efforts for integrity are criticized by those in power who should welcome free and fair elections.

Any state like Oregon or Colorado that promotes mail-in ballots is lost. The Democrats want it that way. Many citizens of these states believe the states are red, but we will never know as long as mail-in ballots are in place.

Rather than confront the Democrat machines in New York City, Chicago and other major US cities, the GOP looked the other way. Now these cities are being destroyed and raped by corrupt politicians, and the corrupt elections emanating from these hellholes are being pushed on the rest of America.

The Republican Party RINOs

The Republican Party led by RINOs is so hateful towards those outside their elite group that they would rather see communism take over America than allow their party to be taken over by good Americans who want to save this country, also known as Trump supporters. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are two leaders in this movement.

It was confirmed recently that Paul Ryan was one of the first to have the Steele dossier that framed President Trump and aligned him with Russia. This document was used to frame President Trump; it was a lie, and Ryan kept this to himself, ran the GOP investigation into Trump-Russia, and never told a soul that he knew the Trump-Russia connection was all garbage. Ryan and the RINOs in the GOP are happy to do things like this if it means removing President Trump and his tens of millions from the party so they can run the GOP.

We see these same RINOs in every state pushing their anti-Trump agenda behind the scenes using trickery and lies to eliminate Americans in the Trump pro-America movement. Missouri GOP leadership is removing Trump supporters from the delegation going to the RNC.

Missouri is only one of many states attacking Trump supporters and delegates and trying to remove them from the delegation going to the RNC. This is happening in Florida and many states behind the scenes.

Democrats and the Deep State Election Industrial Complex

The Democrats do nothing to correct those issues and items that led to the stolen 2020 Election. Their efforts have been to prosecute those who rose up against the 2020 stolen election (see Jan 6). Integrity is thrown out the window. Transparency and free and fair elections are their enemy.

Since the 2020 Election the Democrats and their gang of Deep State thugs have put together an Election Industrial Complex. This overwhelming effort shows that the Democrats and the Deep State intend to continue to steal elections by making it more corrupt.

The Democrats have refined their efforts at running corrupt elections. They aren’t backing down, they are moving ahead with corruption and crimes. They believe they can pick any candidate they want and they will do it.

New systems like poll pads, ballot print on demand, voter roll input systems, donor input systems, election night up-to-date reporting and more, promoted by companies like KNOWiNK are new technology not used in 2020. With this new technology, a bad actor can register a voter, print out a ballot for that voter and fill it out and enter it into an election and no one will know.

GOP Election Integrity

In response to the Election Industrial Complex put in place by the Deep State and the Democrats, and the 2020 Election steal, the GOP’s efforts to date are laughable.

The GOP strategy is to have so many votes for President Trump that the Democrats won’t be able to steal it. (Really, how dumb is this?) If corporations did the same thing in response to threats and fraud, they would fail.

The answer to corruption and fraud is to put in place reconciliation and system controls in all processes related to elections. Fill all holes, demand integrity from all involved and hold criminals accountable.

“Too Big to Rig” is an insult. President Trump crushed the Democrats in 2020. He had more votes than anyone in history by far. Assuming he didn’t have enough is a lie.

The GOP has hired individuals to look into election integrity, but they appear to be hidden in the basement and prevented from addressing the many issues with US elections.

The US House has done nothing. They don’t bring up the facts surrounding the 2020 Election steal. GOP leaders like Jim Jordan may speak tough in public, but behind the scenes, what are they really doing?

Indications of 2024 Election Plans

Some people believe that the corrupt actors running US elections may give President Trump the presidency and steal all the Senate and House seats. This would be one way to keep the fraudulent election processes in place and fool the tens of millions who support President Trump.

Dem donors are indicating this is a direction they may go.

This may happen orthey may steal the whole country again. This is what communists do.


If we are going to win the 2024 Election and save America then it’s up to us to do it. We can’t rely on anyone else to save us.

If we can’t get rid of the corrupt, broken and non-secure election systems that are designed for fraud then we have to do something else.

What we can do is sign up to be poll watchers and poll workers. Do this today!

We have to have more eyes on the process than ever before and ever imagined.

We must also prepare. Training will come. Overall we must guard all the paper ballots in and out of election facilities with our lives. All ballots must be from valid individuals and locations.

We can do this. We can save America. We must save America so our children can enjoy freedom on the 4th of the July for their entire lives.

We must work like the results depend on us and pray like it depends on God.

Happy 4th of July – Let’s get going.

Reprinted from Who is Robert Malone - Exceptionalism, Imperialism, and Morality

Thoughts on the 248th birthday of the United States


JUL 04, 2024

"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world."

George Washington.


American Exceptionalism

There is an argument that, from post-WWII to the present, international relations and the state of the world would be in a far worse condition except for the actions and forces of the United States’ foreign and military policy.  Despite this or that excess, transgression, strategic blunder, or self-serving activity of post-war American international activities, the United States has been a force for good throughout the world, and the US-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization plays a vital role in maintaining that peace and order. Absent benign American international force and leadership, the era of Pax Americana would have been one of turbulent conflicts, during which the evils of economic and social Marxism would have resulted in global misery and strife. The United States is exceptional for a variety of reasons, of which its commitments to universally promoting justice, freedom, democracy, and human rights- all grounded in a commitment to the rule of law based on a constitution that is predicated on the thesis that all men are created equal and have fundamental, inalienable rights.  These characteristics have made the USA an exemplar of a “shining city on the hill” for all peoples and nations.  That the 20th century actually was the American century.

Unfortunately, this train of thought has developed into a general sense of arrogant entitlement on the part of the US military/intelligence complex (security or deep state).  Essentially, that the US is so powerful that it can do what it wants, in a unilateral manner, to advance the foreign and domestic policy agendas which have been developed without taking into account the perspectives and opinions of others.  Policy positions grounded in a dangerous and counterproductive narcissistic immaturity, otherwise known as Neoconservatism.  Full spectrum US global dominance.

The counterpoint to the narrative of American exceptionalism is usually some version of the narrative that after WWII, the United States just stepped into the power vacuum left by the failed British and European empires and has primarily acted as a disingenuous, hegemonic, self-serving imperialistic global superpower.  One whose actions mainly support the interests of its large corporations, oligarchs, and associated industries. Or that the United States is the great Satan if one accepts the simplified demagoguery of the Iranian Islamic State and its surrogates.


These opposing alternative narratives share one common feature. Both agree that after WWII, the United States became an imperialistic superpower. This truth is self-evident. George Washington's simple, mature wisdom was jettisoned for imperial dreams.

But of course it has, the argument goes, because of the post-WWII power vacuum, some nation-state had to provide global leadership, enforce peace, law, and order (“policeman to the world”), expand “democracy,” facilitate trade and commerce, and provide a common currency (“petrodollar”).  If not the United States, then what other country would lead opposition to and contain the expansionism of Russian, Chinese, Islamic, or <fill in the blank> nation-states.  The logic goes that this is what nation-states do.  They seek power and territory.  They interfere with the internal affairs of their rivals.  Seen through the lens of Austrian economic anarcho-capitalist theory, nation-states are akin to predatory warlords grown large enough to develop a veneer of legitimacy and act accordingly.  And so, realistically (“realpolitik”), if not for the guiding hand of benign United States Imperialism, a chain of chaos and communist dominoes would fall.  If not us, then who?

Let’s wind back in time to 1648, the foundation of the modern system of nation-states, the “Thirty Years War,” and the “Treaty of Westphalia.”

The Thirty Years’ War was a devastating conflict that lasted from 1618 to 1648. It involved many European countries, including the Holy Roman Empire, Sweden, France, and the Dutch Republic. The war was fought over issues of religion, politics, and territory, and it caused widespread destruction and loss of life.

The Treaty of Westphalia consisted of two primary documents: the Peace Treaty of Osnabrück and the Peace Treaty of Münster. The key provisions of the treaties included:

  • The recognition of the independence of the Dutch Republic and the Swedish Empire.

  • The principle of sovereignty was established, which held that each state had the right to govern itself and make its own decisions.

  • The recognition of the right of each state to choose its own religion and to enter into alliances with other states.

  • Establishing a system of international relations based on diplomacy and negotiation rather than war and conquest.

The Treaty of Westphalia is considered one of the most important treaties in European history. It marked a turning point in the development of international relations, and it established a new system of diplomacy and negotiation that would last for centuries. The treaty also had a profound impact on the development of modern nation-states.

Now, fast-forward to the post-WWII period of United States foreign and domestic policy and the “American Exceptionalism” Neoconservative justification for American Imperialism. Consider the argument, “If not us, then who?”

Functionally, who is the “us” in this case, who acts as the guiding hand of United States Imperialism?  The answer is the “deep state”, ergo the national security apparatus, with the CIA being at the center of that bureaucratic matrix.  After WWII, the deep state and CIA were developed into the present form to functionally operate as a private army of the President. The principle tasks achieved by the deep state have largely involved toppling other governments via CIA-led covert operations. In other words, interfering with the internal affairs of other nation-states in the most blatant manner.  Completely contrary to the most fundamental principles of the Westphalian nation-state system.

What is the “deep state”? The President, National Security Council, intelligence agencies, Pentagon leadership, a handful of major military contractors, and the congressional armed services committees.  Over 70 regime change operations were authorized and managed by the deep state between 1947 and 1989, 64 of which were “covert,” as documented in the book “Covert Regime Change” by Lindsey O'Rourke.  Covert change of foreign nation-state governments is what the deep state does.

Unfortunately, for my happiness, peace of mind, and ability to accept this narrative, my eyes are now opened to the current reality of an American nation-state “managed” by techno-bureaucrats who are functionally led by a small, self-serving, corrupt elite, which is what the “deep state” (or blob) has become.  A rogue branch of the United States federal government administrative state that routinely manipulates citizens to accept questionable management decisions by deploying propaganda, censorship, and psychological operations technologies.  One which seems to pay lip service to its founding principles and no longer respects its own laws.  An elite that no longer believes in the concept of sovereign nation-states, and now seeks to substitute a new system of globalized governance led by appointed “leaders” who are closely allied and aligned with very large transnational corporate interests.

This leads me to ponder how we got to this point and what can be done about it.

In his “Farewell Address,” George Washington warned against the dangers of foreign entanglements. He emphasized the importance of avoiding permanent alliances with foreign nations and instead advised reliance on temporary alliances for emergencies. Why?

Washington believed that permanent alliances with foreign nations could lead to:

  • Loss of Independence: The United States risked losing its independence and autonomy by becoming entangled in foreign affairs.

  • Financial Burden: Permanent alliances could lead to significant financial burdens, as the United States would be obligated to provide military and economic support to its allies.

  • Distrust and Mistrust: Permanent alliances could also lead to suspicion and mistrust among nations, as each side would be wary of the other’s intentions.

His advice to the new nation was to:

  • Avoid Permanent Alliances: Washington recommended forming temporary alliances for specific emergencies or crises instead of permanent alliances.

  • Focus on Domestic Affairs: Washington believed that the United States should focus on its domestic affairs and prioritize its interests rather than becoming entangled in foreign affairs.

  • Maintain Neutrality: Washington advocated for maintaining neutrality in international conflicts, avoiding involvement in foreign wars and instead focusing on promoting peace and stability through diplomacy.

Fundamentally,  George Washington was a mature, pragmatic nationalist.  In today’s language, he would probably be labeled an isolationist and a far-right populist.


One of many alternative hypotheses is that the current state of US foreign and domestic affairs is the logical consequence of a decades-long slide down a slippery slope with no limits.  There are no limits to the slope and the slide because the United States has scrapped morality for the siren song of utilitarianism—the greatest good for the greatest number.  Ends justify the means.  Realpolitik.  And increasingly, socialism and cultural Marxism.

As is often the case, choices have short and long-term consequences. 

The decision to disregard Washington’s advice and travel down the path of imperialism may have been easy to justify when the opportunity presented, as the world surrounding the United States lay in disarray. Still, it has come at a steep price.  Over the short term, imperialism brought enormous benefits to the homeland, as it always does (at first).  Unprecedented economic benefits, expansion of the middle class, and a standard of living that has been the envy of the world were enabled significantly by importing wealth and resources from other sovereign nation-states.  Augmented by innovation, fueled by freedom of thought (and speech) combined with a work ethic forged in self-reliant, can-do frontier culture.  But the long-term price paid has been the soul of the nation.

Many, including myself, are uncomfortable with imperialism. Interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign foreign nations is not ethical.  This stems, in part, from having internalized the fundamental principles of the Treaty of Westphalia.  Although I was never taught this in high school civics, the US Constitution is built upon the principles of the Treaty of Westphalia. Indeed, George Washington understood these principles. 

Globalism feels wrong to me, in part because globalist theory basically rejects the Treaty of Westphalia and the logic of a decentralized network of sovereign and autonomous nation-states, substituting a single global government in its place.

It seems self-evident that Imperialism is fundamentally inconsistent with the principles of the Treaty of Westphalia.  In particular, the principle of sovereignty is that each state has the right to govern itself and make its own decisions.

In the European power vacuum that followed WWII, the US diplomatic corps and intelligence community reached a consensus that it was acceptable to actively interfere in other nation-states' affairs using various covert “active measures,” otherwise commonly known as dirty tricks. These measures were designed to mitigate short-term risks to US foreign policy objectives. However, actions have short—and long-term consequences, which are often unpredictable. 

For example, a case can be made that the British and US-instigated 1953 Iranian coup d’etat, which was primarily performed to safeguard the interests of British oil interests in Iran and overthrew the elected Prime Minister Mosaddegh in favor of the shah (Palavi), eventually resulted in the Iranian revolution and the birth of the Iranian Islamic state. Blowback on a grand scale.

Once the moral line had been crossed and active measures to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign nation-states justified in the name of US foreign policy, then the classical incremental logic of all bureaucratic administrative states was set loose.  Covert active measures lead to more covert active measures, leading to justifying election interference, overthrowing duly elected “democratic” governments, and assassinations of foreign leaders, all in the name of protecting US foreign interests.  And, I suggest, from there, it was only a short step to justifying an American coup involving the assassination of a US President.  All to defend the foreign and domestic policy objectives of a post-war permanent shadow US leadership.  The primacy of the deep state.

Which brings us to the present, where it seems that anything goes.  All is fair in love, war, and politics.  Including imprisoning your political enemies.  If voting manipulation is acceptable offshore to defend policy objectives, why not domestically?  If deploying psychological warfare against offshore opponents is acceptable, then deploying the same technology, strategies, and tactics against citizens is acceptable because the ends justify the means.

I must be naïve because I think that George Washington got it right.  We should avoid foreign entanglements.  Tend to our garden and let others tend to theirs because no one can see into the future.  Because actions have unintended long-term consequences.  Because it is the right thing to do.

Morality is a strange thing. Once compromised, further compromises become inevitable because there is always some argument to justify short-term self-interest—the slippery slope. Recognition of this truth is a sign of maturity, and outsiders often see the United States post-WWI actions and foreign policy positions as immature.  Neoconservatism is an immature, narcissistic policy stance.  The United States Government must return to a commitment to its founding principles, to the rule of law, and to a firm, unwavering commitment to the core principles often referred to as Judeo-Christian morality, the values which are rooted in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and the New Testament.  These include:

  • Respect for human life: Both Judaism and Christianity teach that human life is sacred and should be protected.

  • Justice and fairness: Both traditions emphasize the importance of treating others fairly.

  • Love and compassion: Both Judaism and Christianity teach the importance of loving and showing compassion to others.

  • Honesty and integrity: Both traditions emphasize the importance of honesty and integrity in one’s words and actions.

  • Respect for authority: Both Judaism and Christianity teach the importance of respecting authority and submitting to God’s will.

Today, we should celebrate the founding of the United States.  But let’s do so with a realistic understanding of what we have become, how far we have strayed from our fundamental principles and morality, and what we must do to Make America Great Again.

Reprinted from LAW ENFORCEMENT TODAY - Video shows illegal immigrants strangle and rob man on a train - now charged with attempted murder

by: Jenna Curren 2024-07-03

CHICAGO, IL - Fox News has shared an exclusive video showing the moments a group of Venezuelan illegal immigrants allegedly strangle a man and then proceed to rob him on a Chicago train. 

The incident took place back on February 17th when the 49-year-old victim was riding the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) Pink Line, a commuter train in Chicago, near Kostner Pink Line station around 5:30 p.m. FOX 32 reported that the four suspects accused of violently attacking the man made another court appearance on Tuesday, July 2nd. 

The CTA surveillance video obtained by Fox News shows the group of men corner the victim in the back of the Pink Line train car, where the man can then be seen being strangled by one of the illegal immigrants while the others picked his pocket and took his watch. The video matches police reports, which state that the victim lost consciousness, but later recovered.

The four suspects were arrested, with three of them being ordered to remain in custody. One of the suspects was let out on electronic monitoring. According to the video obtained by Fox News, the surviellance video shows two of the four suspects chatting and befriending the victim, who was standing and passing around a cellphone with them.

One of the suspects also appears to be smoking a cigarette or a joint and can be seen handing it to another person inside the train car. Another video then shows all four illegal immigrants and the victim congregating inside the train car before one of them lunges for the victim, grabs him from behind and strangles him. 

The suspect pulled the victim to the ground while still strangling him before another suspect moves in and blocks the video camera. About 20 seconds later, when the camera is cleared of the obstruction, the same suspect who was strangling the victim can then be seen rummaging through his pockets. 

Seconds later, the train comes to a stop and the suspects fled the scene. Chicago police have identified the four suspects as: 22-year-old Fernando Loyo-Rodriguez; 21-year-old Wilker Gutierrez Sierra; 20-year-old Carlos Carreno-Carreno; and 18-year-old Yonnier Guasamucare Garcia.

The four men were arrested about 45 minutes after the violent incident, just a few blocks away from the station. At the time of their arrest, all four men listed home addresses that matched state-funded illegal immigrant shelters. Responding officers charged each of them with robbery and aggravated battery/strangulation. Police said that the suspects put a knife to the victim's throat and stole $400 and a cell phone from the man.

They have since been charged with attempted murder. The four were each represented by a separate public defender and did not look or acknowledge each other while in court. They only spoke to the judge via an interpreter. The next hearing has been scheduled for August 28th.

Reprinted from News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller - If you think the next "pandemic" isn't coming soon, you'd better check out the International Bird Flu Summit

Americans who really do believe in INDEPENDENCE ought to crash this party


JUL 04, 2024

Remember Event 201, the war game—er, “tabletop exercise” that took place at the Johns Hopkins “Center for Health Security” on Oct. 15, 2019, cosponsored by that outfit along with Bill/Melinda Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation? If you do remember that “event,” you might also recall the rollout of “the coronavirus” three months later.

That interesting coincidence suggests that we—or those of us who didn’t much enjoy the last “pandemic,” and want intensely not to see another one—pay close attention to the date of this next predatory confab: October 3/4.

If indeed the past is prologue, those dates suggest the possibility that “bird flu” will start to crush the world (or what’s left of it after “COVID”) in early January. Could that timing indicate an elite intention to distract a population raging at the cancellation of this year’s elections, and justify a national crackdown on “bird flu denialists” (a/k/a) “anti-vaxxers) and (let’s call them) “election absolutists” both? (They tend to be the same people.) Such “far right” trash could well end up in those internment camps that “our free press” laughs off (if they mention them at all), closely guarded by the “migrants” that have made life so much fun in the big cities of the West.

That’s my rather dark thought on this Independence Day, which I really hope you’re otherwise enjoying; yet I also hope that you will pause a moment while you’re partying, or whatever, to consider just how strange it is (some might say “wrong”) that “Independence Day” is still a thing in this collapsing (I will not say “Godforsaken”) country, where independence is a crime, whether you express it as (say) a doctor, or a parent, or a nurse, or a professor, or a student, or a journalist, or an artist, or a scientist or (above all) a citizen.

In any case, anyone who’s wide awake and brave enough to crash that party in October may want to share what those war gamers have to say about “Mass Fatality Management Planning” (which “management” is going on right now) or “Delivery of Vaccine [sic] and Antiviral Medication,” to name just two of the fun “topics” that the killers will discuss.

h/t Roberto Strongman

If you like “News from Underground” (or hate it, but get something out of it), please read this post.

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Reprinted from the COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE - Salutary Neglect is Our Best Hope

Overturning the Chevron Doctrine was a great first step to freedom from the meddling, parasitical, and tyrannical state.


JUL 04, 2024

The Encyclopedia Virginia defines “Salutary Neglect” as follows:

Salutary neglect was Britain’s unofficial policy, initiated by prime minister Robert Walpole, to relax the enforcement of strict regulations, particularly trade laws, imposed on the American colonies late in the seventeenth and early in the eighteenth centuries. Walpole and other proponents of this approach hoped that Britain, by easing its grip on colonial trade, could focus its attention on European politics and further cement its role as a world power. Because the policy was unwritten, it went unnamed until March 22, 1775, when Edmund Burke, addressing Parliament, cited British officials’ “wise and salutary neglect” as the prime factor in the booming commercial success of the country’s North American holdings. Indeed, salutary neglect enabled the American colonies to prosper by trading with non-British entities, and then to spend that wealth on British-made goods, while at the same time providing Britain with raw materials for manufacture. But the policy had an unintended side effect: it enabled the colonies to operate independently of Britain, both economically and politically, and to forge an American identity. Some historians argue that this loose hold on the colonies, which George III and his ministers tightened in 1760, gave them the freedom to pull away from Britain and start down the path to revolution.

Edmund Burke’s characterization of the policy was spot-on. If Donald Trump or Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is elected, he would be wise to recognize that the policy of Salutary Neglect is the way forward for the American Republic.

Leaflet protesting the Stamp Act

As I noted a few days ago, the Supreme Court’s overturning of the 1984 Chevron decision offers new hope that a responsible adult citizenry could break free from the parasitical, meddling, and tyrannical blob known as the U.S. federal state.

Our society must be governed by good laws and honest administrators to adjudicate disputes, but the state has now expanded infinitely beyond the scope of its usefulness, and its tentacles now reach every aspect of our lives. This, in turn, fosters our unhealthy obsession with the machinations of Washington and the weirdos who occupy its offices.

In Salutary Neglect lies our salvation. Happy Independence Day!

Reprinted from the COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE - BREAKING Publication--Are COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy as Safe and Effective

as the U.S. Government, Medical Organizations, and Pharmaceutical Industry Claim? Part II

Thorp Published Second Paper on the Disastrous Vaccines


JUL 04, 2024

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

The evolving medical literature is commonly split along two sides of an argument, medication, or surgery. One can find vigorous presentations of data promoting low back surgery and an equal counterbalancing support for chiropractic care of the same medical problem.

The COVID-19 vaccines have been promoted relentlessly by the mainstream media and major medical journals with no countervailing publications. Thus papers such as the three part series led by Dr. James Thorp are vital to achieving balance.

“Of all VAERS AE reports, 8.47% (138,983) of COVID-19 reports had no vaccination date and thus were missing from the data presented in Part I of this series. We unconcealed data presented in Part I of this series to include VAERS case reports that were excluded when using standard queries because of an “unknown vaccination date”. The unconcealed data in the 37 AE cases reported in this study (Part II) ranged from 0 - 38% with a mean of 8.2% (standard deviation 9.7%) and the significant breaches of VAERS safety signals in Part I of this series were largely underestimated. Another method of concealing vaccine associated AEs is to exclude the specific vaccine type rendering it as an “unknown vaccine type”. “Unknown vaccine type” has logarithmically increased since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines in 2021, ranging from 1 to 400 cases between 1990 to 2018 to 11,461 cases in 2021. CDC/FDA granted $67 million via a Cooperative Agreement grant to Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) between July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2025. MDPH then made subawards under this grant to 21 influential public and private health and civic organizations, including NEJM’s owner, Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS). As one of the sub awardees under the grant, MMS as owner of NEJM received over $426,000 in federal HHS/CDC grant money from 2019 to 2020 for “public health and medical emergency preparedness projects”. CDC/FDA has failed to capture and account for a significant number of AE case reports following COVID-19 in VAERS by a variety of techniques in an apparent attempt to sanitize the data. CDC’s Rochelle Walensky and NEJM’s Editor-in-Chief Eric Rubin pushed novel untested COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant women despite clear evidence from multiple sources that safety signals had been breached.”

Thorp, J. A.; Benavides, A.; Thorp, M. M.; McDyer, D. C.; Biss, K. O.; Threet, J. A.; McCullough, P. A. Are COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy as Safe and Effective as the U.S. Government, Medical Organizations, and Pharmaceutical Industry Claim? Part II. Preprints 2024, 2024070069.

This manuscript suggests the safety data on the COVID-19 vaccines are grossly under-represented by government agencies and thus the medical journals they are paying. This means the public health problem is far worse than what we believe it to be at the present. Stay tuned for part III in the series. Thorp is pounding a sledgehammer.

Please subscribe to Courageous Discourse as a paying ($5 monthly) or founder member so we can continue to bring you the truth.

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation

Thorp, J. A.; Benavides, A.; Thorp, M. M.; McDyer, D. C.; Biss, K. O.; Threet, J. A.; McCullough, P. A. Are COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy as Safe and Effective as the U.S. Government, Medical Organizations, and Pharmaceutical Industry Claim? Part II. Preprints 2024, 2024070069.

Subscribe to Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

Reprinted from LAW ENFORCEMENT TODAY - What country are we in? 43 illegal immigrants who stormed the border during riot near El Paso RELEASED into U.S.

by: Matthew Holloway 2024-07-02

EL PASO, TX - Forty-three illegal immigrants who were arrested in March 2023 during a full-scale riot at the El Paso, TX border crossing have reportedly been released into the U.S. by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

As reported by The New York Post, the brazen storming of the U.S. border fence was captured on video by its reporters when 211 illegal immigrants attempted to stream into the nation through the breach. In the melee that pitted four service members against a writhing mass of violent criminals, at least one illegal immigrant is seen stomping the knee of a serviceman.

During May proceedings, the outlet reported an El Paso judge dismissed all criminal charges against the group due to a technicality from a documentation error. Subsequently, the 43 illegal immigrants were released according to an ICE spokesman, this came in spite of the spokesman noting releases are on a "case-by-case basis."

“ERO [Enforcement and Removal Operations] officers make decisions on associated enforcement actions and apply prosecutorial discretion, where applicable, in a responsible manner, informed by their experience as law enforcement professionals and in a way that best protects the communities we serve.”

A source within The Department of Homeland Security reportedly told The Post that in fact the process is based on far more arbitrary considerations. Typically to free up room in detention centers or because they simply cannot be deported quickly enough. 

“Sometimes we arrest a child molester and he gets released because of housing space. Or the charge is not egregious enough to keep him or her in custody,” the source told the outlet.

The Texas Tribune placed the total number involved in the human wave charge at 425, with 211 of them being arrested. El Paso District Attorney Bill Hicks stated that Department of Public Safety troopers sought charges against 300 of them, but only arrested 211. The majority of the illegal immigrants are facing misdemeanor riot charges according to Hicks.

“While I am not particularly concerned about immigration cases, I am concerned about violence and destruction of property,” Hicks told a press conference in March. He added that the suspects punched Texas National Guard members in the face, stomped them, and even attempted to take one Guard member's gun. “If we don’t send a message that they can’t do that, I’m concerned,” he told reporters.

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH),  Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, offered a rebuke of the release via X, writing, "Remember the group of illegal aliens that stormed the border in El Paso and attacked Texas National Guardsmen? Joe Biden's ICE released 43 of them into the country. Are they headed to your neighborhood?"

According to The Post Millennial, Texas law enforcement identified nine illegal immigrants as the suspected ringleaders of the riot and moved to prosecute them on felony charges. However, two of the subjects were turned loose by Border Patrol agents prior to charging.

Texas officials were able to arrest one of them, but the other is currently at large.