Reprinted from John Guandolo Truth Blog - Don't Be Shocked When the Enemy Does What It Says It Will Do

By John Guandolo

In the wake of the attempted assassination of President Trump, many Americans on social media and television interviews are sharing their shock this happened. 

It is incomprehensible this event is shocking to anyone who understands the reality of the war in which America is engaged.

It is incomprehensible because events like this were predictable, were predicted, and myself and Stephen Coughlin briefed them to senior government officials over 15 years ago.

There exists in the United States an identifiable communist and Islamic Movements with published doctrine and strategies, known modus operandi, and networks of thousands of organizations.  Both seek the destruction of America's Constitutional Republic.

In local communities around the United States - and the same holds true for Europe - the communists and jihadis work seamlessly at the ground level.  

Jihadi groups like the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas (CAIR, Americans for Justice in Palestine, Emgage, MPAC, ISNA, ICNA, MAS, MSA, etc.) work directly with the Chinese communist Black Lives Matter, CPUSA, Antifa, Democratic Socialists of America, Code Pink, Green Party, RevCom, and a number of other subversive communist groups.

Both of these Movements are violent and revolutionary at their core.  

None of them are under investigation by the federal government.

For years the lead element of the communist Movement in the United States - the national democrat leadership (and their allies) - has called for Patriots to be targeted for harassment and violence.  

See one video compilation here.

In June 2021, Mr. Biden stated, "Terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the Homeland today," and proceeded to liken all MAGA supporters to "white supremacists."  By using the word "lethal" Mr. Biden opened up the authority of federal agencies to go after "MAGA supporters" which, in reality, are Americans who believe in the Founding Principles stated in the Declaration of Independence, and a Republican form of government as required by the U.S. Constitution.

The FBI and DHS target Christian patriots and patriots in general as a matter of policy while explicitly NOT targeting the communist and Islamic Movements.

In May 2022 Mr. Biden stated, "This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in American history," and since then the FBI, DHS, White House, and others have launched a full assault on liberty and people they can identify as "patriots."

On June 28th of this year Mr. Biden posted a tweet on X stating, "Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He's a threat to our freedom. He's a threat to our democracy. He's literally a threat to everything America stands for."

Five days before the assassination attempt, on a recorded call with donors  Mr. Biden said, "We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye."

I disagree with House Speaker Mike Johnson who publicly said he did not think Joe Biden meant it to be a threat.

The U.S. federal government is littered with communists and jihadists (TERRORISTS) in senior positions of authority which has been the subject of numerous articles I have published, interviews, books, and documentaries.

A few examples of communists: Former FBI Director James Comey admitted he was a communist; Former advisor to President Obama and Director of Central Intelligence John Brennan supported the communist candidate for President just as he entered the CIA in the 1970's; and most notably, Joe Biden began his political career with the support of and continues praise the Council for a Livable World, a Soviet communist organization whose founder, Leo Szilard, was a fully recruited Soviet agent.

A few examples of jihadis (TERRORISTS): the current Senior Intelligence Director for the National Security Council Maher Bitar is a Hamas operative; Al Qaeda's U.S. fundraiser and international bagman Abdurahman Alamoudi advised President Clinton for 2 terms and worked with the George W. Bush campaign, created the Muslim Chaplain Program for the Department of Defense, and founded/led almost 2 dozen of the largest Islamic organizations in North America; and the "Islamic Advisor" for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden's Presidential campaigns, Farooq Mitha, sits on the board of the U.S. Hamas front organization Emgage.

Evidence and facts over the last several years make it clear all of the key components of the federal government are grossly corrupted and controlled by individuals affiliated with these hostile Movements.

Spending time discussing the details of the assassination attempt, or how to fix DEI in the Secret Service, or how to get pornography out of your local schools, or any other relevant issue will not win the war.

No war in history has ever been won by fixing an issue or changing a policy. 

Wars are won by vanquishing the enemy.

Communities who want to live free must get trained on how to fortify their local county by identifying the ENEMY and flushing them out, while re-establishing America's Founding Principles at the local/county level.

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