Reprinted from The Kingston Report - 2021 Staff E-Mail: FDA was MANDATED to Deliver 'Safe and Effective Vaccines'

The 2 most senior FDA officials on vaccine research abruptly announced their 'retirement' the same day the FDA approved Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA ‘vaccines.’ Were they coerced into approving the shots?


June 26, 2024: Senator Thomas Massie is holding a hearing today to uncover what happened behind closed doors at the FDA that brought about the unexpected August 23, 2021, FDA approval of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA ‘vaccines’ and the abrupt departure of the agency’s most senior officials on vaccine safety.

This Kingston Report is packed with the history Janet Woodcock acting as a reckless tyrant at the FDA, openly admitting to putting manufacturers’ profits over patients. Beginning in 1997, (and prior to the approval of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’) Woodcock knowingly pushed through illicit FDA approvals of products that were known to provide no clinical benefits, cause harm, and even cause a mass onset of sudden deaths.

Senior FDA Vaccine Experts Announce “Retirement” the Same Day They Grant Pfizer’s ‘Vaccine’ FDA Approval

The Director of the Office of Vaccines Research and Review, Marion Gruber and her Deputy Director, Dr. Phil Krause, announced their “retirement” on the same day that they approved Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA ‘vaccines.’

Was Dr. Gruber Coerced into Approving Pfizer’s COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’?

It’s perplexing that while Dr. Marion Gruber personally issued the FDA approval letter of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA injections on August 23, 2021, she also informed her boss, Peter Marks, of her “retirement” that same day.

August 24, 2021: Janet Woodcock Reminds FDA of their MANDATE to Deliver ‘Safe and Effective Vaccines’ via Staff E-Mail